JOYRIDE, JOYRIDE, IM JUST LOOKING FOR A GOOD TIME—TONIGHT! original supernatural character. kim yeong-su, (김영수) shady bartender with shadier buisness practices, who just so happens to be an apathetic serial killer who craves YOUR! blood. penned by kane admin is above the age of eighteen, no minor interactions. multi-ship and multi-fandom friendly muse. semi—literate to literate responses expected. trigger warnings for : descriptive gore, sexual content, substance abuse, && violence
IMMORTALITY this concept is self-explanatory. he does not age and cannot die from environmental elements or mortal wounds.REGENERATION his wounds heal themselves. cuts fade, skin stitches itself back together, and limbs regenerate. however, this process requires a significant amount of energy, especially for more serious injuries like lost limbs. as a result, he becomes incredibly exhausted and hungry afterwards. regeneration time varies on wound severity.SHAPE-SHIFTING he has the ability to transform into a bat or a swarm of bats, which grants him the power of flight and a birds’ eye view. he can also transform into other animals and even humans, although he must know the person/animal he wishes to turn into very well. he can only hold a form that isn’t his own for five minutes.WEATHER MODIFICATION with this power, he can sense, channel, shape, create, and manipulate the weather at will. it is the most difficult of his abilities for him to control, and he has only a loose grip on it. he primarily uses it to enhance his punches by putting wind behind them, making them heavier, or by creating shadows with clouds to move around discreetly during the day.ENHANCED SENSES possesss superior auditory perception, olfactory sensitivity, night vision, and color perception compared to humans. he also has heightened touch and taste, as well as great agility and stamina.ILLUSION he is able to mask his more monstrous attributes—those being his claws, fangs, deathly pale skin, and pupils—from the mortal gaze. however, this human facade starts to fade when he is exhausted, low on blood, or simply angry enough to lose control over it.

SUNLIGHT the one thing that can kill him for good is exposure to the sun. yeongsu cannot regenerate any part of his body that has been burned away by its rays. the scars on his chest are from scuffles with other supernatural beings that lasted too long, leaving him vulnerable to the dawn. it’s an agonizing way to go, and it’d take about five full minutes of direct exposure to do him in.HOLY WATER splash it on him and it’ll burn like hell—essentially liquid acid on his skin.LACK OF BLOOD yeongsu can only be without blood for a maximum of two weeks before he starts to weaken significantly and lose control of himself. his facade will gradually slip, and even his monstrous attributes will fade. he will revert to his original form—the one he had when he was turned: a rotting, burned corpse.GARLIC while pure garlic can't kill him, its smell triggers intense migraines that can last for hours at even the faintest whiff.

BIRTH NAME | kim yeong-su. 【 김영수 】 |
CURRENT ALIAS | tobias fox adair.. |
DATE OF BIRTH | 11/21/1912. |
AGE | 113. physically 28. |
SEX | cisgender male. |
BIRTHPLACE | suwon-si, south korea. |
CURRENT RESIDENCE | augusta, maine. |
OCCUPATION | bartender. |
SEXUAL ORIENTATION | bisexual, but he has a slight preference for women. |

ETHNICITY | korean-german. |
SPECIES | vampire. |
HEIGHT | five feet, eleven inches. |
WEIGHT | seventy seven kilos. |
HAIR | jet black, wavy. |
EYES | a pretty blue, round. |
BUILD | slim, but muscular. |
SCENT | iron, sharp and detectable. |
DISGUISING FEATURES | numerous burn scars run up his right arm and yawn across the whole of his upper chest area and neck. light discoloration near his lower abdomen. |

MANNERISMS | gnawing at dead skin, cracking his knuckles and pulling at his fingers when nervous, hooking thumbs in pockets, rolling his eyes, scoffing. |
POSITIVE TRAITS | attentive, humorous, charming, assertive. |
NEGATIVE TRAITS | unfriendly, clingy, easily irritable, shallow, destructive, possessive, deceitful. |
HOBBIES | gardening, stargazing, reading, cooking, bird-watching. |
ALIGNMENT | neutral evil. |
LIKES | cats, rain, horror movies, books, space, sunsets/rises, classical music, seashells, flowers. |
DISLIKES | dogs, thunder, lightning, loud and abrupt sounds, hallmark movies, werewolves, spiders, bright lights, surprises, guessing games. |
FEARS | isolation, the ocean, fire. |
I. though he is immortal, yeongsu cannot and will not heal from wounds caused by the sun. because of this fact, his body is littered with many scars, most of which are clustered around his upper abdomen and neck. he finds these scars hideous, as they ruin the perfect appearance he desperately tries to maintain.II. he sleeps around quite a bit; it isn’t uncommon to find a stranger in his bed—or vice versa. since he cannot produce body heat on his own, he feeds on the warmth that human bodies provide. it makes him feel alive.III. different blood types have different tastes to him, and his current favorites are types a positive and b negative.IV. his fangs are about twenty millimeters long, and yeongsu often finds himself biting the inside of his cheek or tongue numerous times a day.V. his sleep schedule differs from that of a human. rather than waking in the morning, he rises in the late evening, around 6 or 7 p.m., and heads to bed just as the sun begins to rise. this schedule is convenient for him, as the bar he runs doesn’t open until 9 p.m.VI. an irrational fear of his is large bodies of water; he also cannot swim.VII. yeongsu always carries the sharp, distinct smell of blood with him—a scent that is not particularly pleasant, unless you’re another vampire. it’s nearly impossible to mask, so he rarely bothers.VIII. unfortunately, he cannot consume mortal food, it has no taste for him.IX. he lives with two cats: ronnie and benson.X. he has developed a taste for human flesh, and instead of merely drinking from his victims, he fully consumes them.XI. furthermore, he is incredibly sadistic, toying with his prey for hours on end—either prolonging their death or releasing them into the woods surrounding his town to engage in a twisted game of cat and mouse.XII. surprisingly, he is quite the book nerd, with a particular fondness for historical fiction. it's not uncommon to find him on his days off with his nose buried in a dog-eared paperback.XIII. yeongsu was burned alive when he was human, which has left him with a profound fear of fire and open flames.

I. being strictly monogamous, he finds the idea of sharing his partner distasteful. he would not respond well to proposals of threesomes or polyamorous relationships.II. yeongsu rarely pursues relationships with mortals, as he struggles to cope with their mortality and inevitable death.III. he is very physically affectionate, expressing his love through back hugs, playful nips, hand-holding, and other forms of physical touch. he's comfortable with public displays of affection and often initiates them.IV. if his partner follows a diurnal schedule, he would willingly adjust his entire sleep pattern to align with theirs, allowing them to wake and rest together.V. while he doesn't dislike children, he remains uncertain about them and questions his ability to be a good father. he himself grew up without one, or any father figure to speak of, so he was never shown a good example.VI. although he commonly goes by tobias, he prefers his partner to address him as yeong-su.VII. unable to produce body heat, his skin remains cold to the touch. this leads him to be particularly clingy, constantly seeking his partner's warmth through physical contact.VIII. he will not feed off his partners, especially if they’re mortal. he’s terrified of losing control over himself and his bloodlust. It has happened before, and he maimed them so severely that dental records had to be used for identification.IX. although he has an abundance of one-night stands, he is not one to rush into things, and it actually takes him months to consider being in a relationship with someone.

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